Therapy for Cervical Cancer Stage 4

Senin, 10 April 2017

Cervical cancer is a cancer that strikes the cervix. The disease has claimed the lives of sufferers of high risk if not immediately addressed. Greater risk of death occurs on a patient suffering from cervical cancer stage 4.

Cervical cancer can be caused by several factors, however, the study mentions that 99.7 percent of cervical cancer occur because HPV virus. Symptoms that become the harbinger of women suffering from cervical cancer are indeed unfortunately less can be detected, especially at the early stage.

However, beware if you experience abnormal bleeding between menstrual periods, bleeding after sex, or bleeding after menopause. The third condition is something You ought to be suspect as symptoms of cervical cancer. Moreover, if the condition is accompanied by other symptoms, such as frequent urination, pain during urination, pain and/or hip.

What are the methods for Treating cervical cancer?

Handling of cervical cancer between a patient with other patients will be different. How far the cancer spreads or until the stadium how cervical cancer suffered will also affect our treatment methods. Below is a selection of therapy that may be recommended by doctors for patients with cervical cancer stage 4:

1) Operation
Some women may have to undergo surgery to check the lymph nodes in the back of the abdomen called the lymphatic glands on the aorta. This operation can be done prior to Chemoradiation or radiation therapy with the goal of helping doctors plan a part of the body where that will get radiation therapy.

2) Radiation

Radiation therapy uses x-rays x-rays or other types of rays to shrink or kill the cancer cells. Any radiation therapy is divided into two, namely:

-External radiation therapy.
This therapy uses a machine that transfers the wave beam energy on areas affected by cancer. One of the external radiation is IMRT (Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy). The advantages of this therapy is the ability to reduce the risk of damage to healthy tissue around the cancer cells.

-Internal radiation therapy.
This therapy uses a radioactive implant which is inserted the needles, wires, or catheters is placed directly into or near the affected part of the cancer.

Chemotherapy is the handling of cancer through drugs. For cervical cancer stage 4, drugs given aims to relieve pain or control symptoms of advanced cervical cancer. The doctor will often combine several anti-cancer drugs while giving therapy.

For those of you who suffer from cervical cancer stage 4 will probably be recommended undergoing therapy kemoradisasi. The combination of chemotherapy and radiation therapy is typically a chemo drug dokombinasikan with external radiation therapy, brakiterapi, or both. As for the drugs used in chemotherapy can be used during underwent chemoradiation.

-Target therapy.
Target therapy may be recommended if You have entered the cervical cancer stage IV b. as for target therapy is done by giving a drug or other substance that is capable of blocking the growth and spread of cancer cells without harm to healthy cells.

Checked Themselves in anticipation of the Cancer
Detect cervical cancer as early as possible is the thing that must be done, especially if considering that cancer of the female reproductive organs are attacking this can endanger lives as the development of cancer cells. A study showed that at the stadium, the likelihood of the patient to 0 life is about 93 percent within the next five years. While cervical cancer stage 4, the possibility of the patient to survive is estimated at only 15-16 per cent within the next five years. However, keep in mind that these figures are only estimates.

To avoid cervical cancer disease, it is recommended to always perform a precautionary measures by implementing the healthy living patterns, such as quitting smoking, sexual intercourse safely, receive the cervical cancer vaccination, and cervical screening regularly.

If you find symptoms of cervical cancer, to check with your doctor immediately to get clarity and further handling.


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