Take Benefit kiss lips, But Stay away from danger

Sabtu, 30 April 2016

Many people expressing affection with kisses the lips partner. It is in fact a kiss on the lips can deepen ties between the two lovebirds who are romantic couple. Not only good for the continuity of the relationship, the benefits of kissing lips could also have an impact on your health a favor.

But wait, a kiss on the lips can turn into a dangerous activity if not done in a healthy manner.
various Benefits of kissing lips

The main benefit that you can feel from kissing lips with a partner is an increasingly close relationship. The more often you kiss with a loved one, then you will be more connected to him, both physically and emotionally. In a way, kissing has an important role in fostering a relationship.

For your own health, a kiss on the lips can provide a variety of benefits such as:
relieve stress

When stressed, try to kiss your partner. Afterwards you will definitely feel much calmer. Yes, kissing it can reduce tension and anxiety caused by the stress hormone cortisol. When kissing, these hormones will be reduced and replaced by a hormone that can make you feel better, the hormone oxytocin.



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