how to cope with difficult concentration

Selasa, 03 Mei 2016

You feel depressed so lack of sleep, although there are still many unfinished office work and homework abandoned. Do not panic, the chances of it happening because you have trouble concentrating.

Concentration difficulties can indeed interfere with learning or working. Understanding the causes will help figure out ways to overcome them.

Some things that can cause a person difficulty concentrating, among others:
Perform several tasks at once

Experts call multitasking (performing multiple tasks simultaneously) can break the concentration. There is an assumption multitasking can complete more tasks, but actually it actually takes more than completing tasks one by one.

Not getting enough sleep

Do not underestimate due to lack of sleep, especially in the ability to concentrate. Sleep plays a role in cognitive processes, namely the processes of learning and thinking. Sleep also has the function of bringing together the various memories. Lack of sleep will only interfere with concentration, alertness and problem-solving as well, reducing attention span and reasoning power, as well as disruption to remember events that happened before.

dinner menu does not make fat

Senin, 02 Mei 2016

Many people who are undergoing a diet to maintain their weight by avoiding dinner. P adahal actually let a hungry stomach can make you sleepless and risky awake at night to eat more lots. The dinner menu does not make fat can be an effective middle ground.

Eating at night is often associated with unhealthy eating patterns due to stress and boredom. Besides eating at night, especially when in front of the TV, often become unmanageable because portions are often uncontrolled and involve fatty foods, such as chips, cookies, or candy. In addition, eating foods with a time too close to bedtime risk causing sleep disturbances and digestive.

A renowned nutritionists had even given advice: eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper. However, in the development, there is an assumption that whenever you eat, the calories still calories. The type of food, the calories contained in them, and the types of activities you do to burn calories are the factors that determine your weight gain.


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