Healthy Food For High Cholesterol

Senin, 03 April 2017

Eating healthy foods can help you reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.

Cholesterol already is no longer just a problem of older people, even at a young age any time someone can suffer from cholesterol. The cause is diverse and one of them is eating less healthy food.

A lot of eating fast food can increase cholesterol levels. If the cholesterol is already lodged in our body then it can cause heart attack, stroke and several other diseases. If you already suffer from high cholesterol, was supposed to keep Your food with eating healthy foods.

Healthy foods for Cholesterol
In order to lower the level of cholesterol in the blood, you need healthy foods that can lower cholesterol. Here is a good food for Your consumption:

1) Foods containing soy beans. Foods like soy custard unsweetened soy milk, nuts, edamame and tofu contains protein which can reduce cholesterol in the blood. Mengonsumsinya as much as 0.5 ounces a day can reduce your cholesterol at least 6%.

2) Fruit and vegetables. No need to doubt that if you want healthier you should eat more fruit and vegetables. Why? Because it is a fruit and vegetable food with low saturated fat. If you are taking any of his more then you will feel full more so as to reduce the possibility of consuming foods with saturated fats. The consumption of foods rich in fiber like broccoli, apples, pears, strawberries, sweet potato and eggplant can lower cholesterol.

3) Nuts. Nuts can reduce cholesterol in the blood because it contains protein, vitamin E, unsaturated fats, magnesium, potassium, and fiber. You can lower your cholesterol by as much as 5% If consuming about 1-2 ounces of nuts a day.

4) Barley and oats. Consuming more of both types of these foods can bind cholesterol in the gut and prevent it is absorbed by the body. This happens because both types of these foods contain fiber called beta glucan. The consumption of about 2 grams of foods rich in beta-glucan in the day believed to reduce cholesterol in the body. In addition to these two types of these foods, beans also contain soluble fiber. You can make the porridge oats as breakfast and mixing with fruit such as bananas for added levels of fiber in your food.

5) Fish and omega 3 fatty acids. Fish such as salmon, mackerel, tuna, and sardines contain omega 3 fatty acids are good for lowering blood pressure. Omega 3 is indeed has no effect on the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) blood, but can lower the risk of blood clot formation. Consume at least two to three times a week. Omega 3 reduces the possibility of the emergence of bouts of irregular heartbeat and reduce levels of triglycerides in the blood.

6) Avocados. This fruit is one that is rich in unsaturated fats. Try to consume the avocados in the form of fruit, not in the form of juice that's been mixed with sugar and milk. High cholesterol sufferers need to limit intake of saturated fat. Limit your intake of saturated fat on a woman is 20 grams, while the limit for men is 30 grams.

7) Foods enriched with sterols and stanol. The second function of this item is blocking the body to absorb cholesterol. Foods containing stanol and sterol are nuts, seeds, vegetables, fruit, and vegetable oils except coconut oil palm and coconut oil. Palm oil and coconut oil is a kind of vegetable oils rich in saturated fats. You can also consume supplements containing stanol and sterol. The consumption of at least 2 grams of sterol or stanol can lower cholesterol levels in the blood of at least one-tenth of his

Each food described above provides its own benefits, but lifestyle changes also help in lowering high cholesterol. In addition to changing food menu, lowering high cholesterol can be coupled by exercising regularly, maintaining ideal body weight, and quitting smoking.
However if you already live a healthy life by eating healthy food and do sports, but your cholesterol is still high, try to call your doctor.


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