prevent dehydrated skin

Selasa, 18 April 2017

Not just the body, it can also be dehydrated skin. The good news, there is a way to keep the humidity of the skin from within.

Dehydrated skin or dry skin is a skin condition a lack of fluids on a layer of the epidermis causing loss of Natural Moisturizing Factor or factors of natural skin Moisturiser which resulted to a reduction of the level of humidity.

dehydrated skin symptoms

-Skin feels tight and itchy, especially after being washed, bath or swim
-The skin looks dull and feels rough.
-There are fine lines or peeling of the skin of certain body parts.

knowing the dehydrated skin

The outermost layer of the skin is called the epidermis. In this layer, there are 4 types of layers of cells of the skin, the stratum corneum one. Stratum corneum (SC) is the lipid-protein membrane the most plays when the skin is dehydrated. The liquid in the epidermis layer acts keep elasticity and prevents the skin becomes dry.
On the stratum corneum is this, there is a critical component, such as a natural moisturizing factor (NMF) or natural moisturizing factor is in charge of keeping the skin moisturized liquid levels. NMF is a mix of molecules are hygroscopic (attracts and retain water) which helps maintain hydration of the stratum corneum on. Most content of NMF is salt (including electrolytes), urea, and lactic. Hardness, amino acids stored in it.

Production of NMF is highly dependent upon the humidity of the surrounding environment. When the level of the liquid is less than 10 percent, then the surface of the skin will be dry. Dry skin may well be a sign that the shortage of body fluids.

You can prevent the condition of skin dehydration by drinking an electrolyte regularly at any time, including before bedtime so that your skin stays awake kelembapannya from within. This is because the liquid electrolyte is able to replace a component of sodium, potassium, and magnesium body is lost through sweat.

Beautiful skin can be owned by anyone. But keep it spared from dehidrasijuga is very important. Drink plenty of electrolytes will help keep Your skin's natural moisture. At the same time, maintain the skin stay healthy even though you're busy activity.


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