Minggu, 04 Desember 2016

What is is Sparkling water, Lately in social media trending homeland with discussion of a drink called as sparkling water or carbonated drink misunderstood as an aperitif. Many people who did not know about the existence of sparkling water on the market. One thing is certain, the price of sparkling water is proved to be much more expensive when compared to beverage packaging in general. Actually, such as whether sparkling water is and whether it can provide health effects for the body, if we often take it?

Health experts said if the sparkling water is water that contains carbon dioxide. A question arises, does this mean sparkling water can be equated with soft drinks were very unhealthy for the body? Health experts said if in the sparkling water, there was no sugar, calories, up to caffeine so that this water can be regarded as white water with carbon dioxide. As a result, we did not have to worry if the consumption of these beverages would cause problems of obesity or overweight.

Some people have mentioned if there is the possibility of sparkling water partially responsible for the decrease in bone density or even lead to esophageal cancer problem. However, a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published in 2006 precisely indicate if the cola drinks without content will not cause problems for bone strength. In addition, the Journal of the National Center Institute, published in the same year also indicate if the sparkling water will not increase the risk of esophageal cancer and stomach cancer.

However, health experts still indicate if sparkling water is no better than plain water. Often drinking this water can create health problems like bloating, belching often, until the rise of stomach acid. So, it's good we did not often drink and reproduce better water intake is much more healthful.


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