How To Fix Hair Branching

Kamis, 20 April 2017

Healthy hair will look shiny because the layers of a flat hair cuticles can reflect light. Conversely, when damaged, hair can look dull, dry and feels even branched.

Actually what happens to damaged hair and how to cope with branched hairs?

Hair consists of three layers, namely the inner layer or (medulla), ago (cortex) or a layer that surrounds the medulla, and the outermost layer of the most vehement or (cuticle) which is responsible for protecting the inner layer of the hair. The cuticle layer protects the flat layers in your hair from the Sun, heat, chlorine, and all other harmful ingredients. Part the hair cuticles are more sensitive to damage. When part of the cuticle is damaged, the inside of the hair becomes unprotected.

Side effects and dangers of silicone injection

Silicone injection is the practice of illegal and banned in most countries because it contains health risks

Silicone polymer compounds known as from the elements silicon and oxygen. Silicon has a form of manifold and not entirely suited to men. With this consideration, the use of Silicon in terms of human soft tissue fillers judged illegal and forbidden in most countries.

Charging through the dermal tissue injections are generally considered safe, but can cause side effects.

The initial side effects: in a few days to weeks, this technique can cause side effects in the form of skin redness accompanied by smarting, bumps, bruising, itching, inflammation, and hypersensitivity reactions for several days. To be able to minimize it by pressing and using compress ice cube on the skin that are experiencing an infection.

causes of bad breath and its prevention

Selasa, 18 April 2017

Bad breath is caused by the habit of taking care of the teeth and mouth are less precise, coupled with no care for her on a regular basis. What kind of food you consume also influential, in addition to the unhealthy lifestyle that is usually without your conscious living.

All the food you consume, especially a sharp flavored food, like garlic, was instrumental in inflicting the aroma of bad breath. Food scraps are left in the mouth contribute to give an unpleasant aroma in the mouth. If you don't brush your teeth and use a dental floss regularly, the leftovers will be left on the sidelines. This could increase the growth of bacteria on the tongue, teeth, and gums. This is what results in bad breath.

Habits that trigger bad breath.
There are some bad habits that make the mouth smelling unpleasant. Customs it is :

1) Lack of oral hygiene
As presented above, oral hygiene that are less awake is very easy to make the foul smelling mouth. When the condition of the mouth is littered by remnants of food, will form a layer called plaque which is where bacteria thrive. To prevent this, sikatlah teeth regularly after meals. Also brush your tongue to control bad breath. Use dental floss to clean the leftovers on the sidelines gears that are not reached by toothbrushes as part of the efforts of maintaining oral health

prevent dehydrated skin

Not just the body, it can also be dehydrated skin. The good news, there is a way to keep the humidity of the skin from within.

Dehydrated skin or dry skin is a skin condition a lack of fluids on a layer of the epidermis causing loss of Natural Moisturizing Factor or factors of natural skin Moisturiser which resulted to a reduction of the level of humidity.

dehydrated skin symptoms

-Skin feels tight and itchy, especially after being washed, bath or swim
-The skin looks dull and feels rough.
-There are fine lines or peeling of the skin of certain body parts.

Therapy for Cervical Cancer Stage 4

Senin, 10 April 2017

Cervical cancer is a cancer that strikes the cervix. The disease has claimed the lives of sufferers of high risk if not immediately addressed. Greater risk of death occurs on a patient suffering from cervical cancer stage 4.

Cervical cancer can be caused by several factors, however, the study mentions that 99.7 percent of cervical cancer occur because HPV virus. Symptoms that become the harbinger of women suffering from cervical cancer are indeed unfortunately less can be detected, especially at the early stage.

However, beware if you experience abnormal bleeding between menstrual periods, bleeding after sex, or bleeding after menopause. The third condition is something You ought to be suspect as symptoms of cervical cancer. Moreover, if the condition is accompanied by other symptoms, such as frequent urination, pain during urination, pain and/or hip.

the exact time do sex after oprasi caesar

Kamis, 06 April 2017

Having sex after giving birth can be a stressful thing for most women. Not only for those who give birth to normal, the women who gave birth to caesar ever often feel the same way.

Many consider, sexual intercourse will be easier to do after giving birth in the caesar. However, it is not entirely appropriate. Research shows that women who give birth to normal or caesarean section, are similarly experiencing the diverse barriers back sex

Need Recovery Process
After giving birth by caesarean section, will generally be followed by treatment in hospitals around 2-4 a day. Gradually, doctors will stop dispensing pain reliever and revoke the catheter containing urine.
Vaginal bleeding is generally still befall women who give birth caesar, although the rate of bleeding experienced fewer votes than giving birth normally. However, the actual recovery process give birth normally and caesar is not much different. Generally, doctors will suggest sex back done about 4-6 weeks after giving birth, both gave birth to normal or caesar. At this time the suggested range, cervix was back close and bleeding are expected already stalled.

How To Shrink Naturally chubby Cheek

Senin, 03 April 2017

chubby cheek make someone look adorable. It's just that for some people, chubby cheek is a form of deprivation of the body that can make the confidence decline. If this is what you feel, try to keep your diet and reduce your intake of sugar consumed in order to make Your cheeks chubby becomes more acute.

When the photograph is probably some of you, especially women, want to hide the cheek chubby with trying to find the best photo angles so that the face looks more ideal. Get around her with a make-up squeezed too often done to disguise chubby cheek.

Learn About The Causes Of Cheek chubby
Weight already able to make someone look more chubby cheek. However, there are some other causes that make the cheeks become chubby, such as:

Healthy Food For High Cholesterol

Eating healthy foods can help you reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.

Cholesterol already is no longer just a problem of older people, even at a young age any time someone can suffer from cholesterol. The cause is diverse and one of them is eating less healthy food.

A lot of eating fast food can increase cholesterol levels. If the cholesterol is already lodged in our body then it can cause heart attack, stroke and several other diseases. If you already suffer from high cholesterol, was supposed to keep Your food with eating healthy foods.

How To Get Ideal Weight Men

Men have a tendency to easily get more ideal weight than women. To know the ideal weight man can be done through the body mass index (BMI).

Basically, the counting of the BMI can be done by dividing the weight in kilograms by height in meters squared to produce an estimate of the total amount of body fat.

A study of men showed an increase in cases of obesity the results as much as doubled in the last 25 years. Meanwhile, a survey conducted in 2004 produce the fact that 71 percent of men aged 20 years and over are experiencing overweight, and another 31 percent are obese. That's why, for men who want to have an ideal body weight, it's good to start maintaining the diet and arrange them well, that starts with:

Signs Of Giving Birth Is Imminent

Sabtu, 01 April 2017

Childbirth is the process a long and exhausting. Before entering the stage, you will experience the signs of giving birth. Not all women experience signs of childbirth.

However, to prepare and stationed in the face of labor, you can look at some signs of bearing that may occur on Your physical and emotional. Usually the signs of this kind occur several weeks or days before labor. In terms of physical, perhaps you will feel changes in your body like:

-Feel the pain in the lower back, abdominal pain or cramps of premenstrual period appropriately.

-It's hard to sleep.

-Increased urination frequency. A couple of weeks or hours before labor, the baby will come down to Your pelvic bone. This condition makes the uterus leans more often on the bladder so that the frequency of urination became more increased than usual.

The benefits of folic acid for pregnant women

Folic acid is essential needs during your pregnancy. Many of the benefits of folic acid for pregnant women, for example, folic acid who routinely consumed before and during pregnancy can help prevent birth defects on the part of the brain and spinal cord in your baby.

In addition, folic acid is a type of B vitamin that can help your body produce and maintain new cells, and also help prevent changes in DNA that can lead to cancer.

This is the importance of folic acid for pregnant women

For those of you who are pregnant or who are pregnant, wants to be/is very important to get enough folic acid intake. Folic acid is the synthetic form of vitamin B9, also known as folate.

Various special expectant mother dairy products often offer a high content of folic acid. It is because folic acid has a variety of benefits, why, particularly for those of the expectant mother. Some of the benefits of folic acid for pregnant women include:



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