figure out the meaning behind the color of your urine

Sabtu, 05 November 2016

Urine is not just the liquid that comes out of your body. The color of urine, the large number of urine, until the smell of urine can be a sign of the condition of your body. Get to know the meaning behind your urine conditions, by knowing the meaning behind the colors

Normal urine color is golden or light yellow, the color comes from pigments called urochrome. While no color or clear urine indicates that you are well hydrated enough. Despite the clear color of urine can also be caused by ingestion of drugs that specifically remove urine.

While the color of urine unusual or abnormal can be caused by a variety of health problems or are affected by what you eat. Eg food or certain fruits, drug consumption, dehydration, and certain medical conditions.

Recognize Urine Color Meaning
Here are some colors and their urine means you need to know, as a clue about the state of health of your body.

-Urine Old chocolate brown or dark brown may be signs of problems in the liver, and can be a sign that you are having dehid constellation. Dehydration itself occurs because the body loses more fluid than the entering into your body.

-Orange urine can be caused by several problems. Among other things, health problems, dehydration and consumption of certain drugs. Drugs that generally can cause orange urine that chemotherapy drugs, laxatives, anti-inflammatory drugs or sulfasalazine, and Pyridium. While health conditions that can cause urine color orange is a disorder of the liver or bile ducts that accompanied the color of feces look pale.

-Pink If you are having to urinate pink, try to pay attention to other symptoms. Because the color of urine as this can be caused by food or drugs you eat, blood and signs of certain diseases. For example, a urinary tract infection, kidney disease, tumor, or prostate problems. Certain drugs for urinary tract infections and antibiotic rifampin could also cause urine color to pink.

-Green or blue color of urine this one might be able to make you quite surprised. Colors such as these can be caused by a medical condition that is quite rare, and can be caused by asthma medication and anesthetic propofol. Immediately call your doctor if your urine color does not go back to normal.

Changes in the color of urine can occur for several reasons. Despite the unusual color of urine can be caused by medications or certain foods, it is advisable to pay attention to the good condition of your urine. For example, how long the urine color changes occur, is there any other accompanying symptoms, and so on. Expand to drink mineral water if your urine color change occurs because of dehydration.


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