How To Get Ideal Weight Men

Senin, 03 April 2017

Men have a tendency to easily get more ideal weight than women. To know the ideal weight man can be done through the body mass index (BMI).

Basically, the counting of the BMI can be done by dividing the weight in kilograms by height in meters squared to produce an estimate of the total amount of body fat.

A study of men showed an increase in cases of obesity the results as much as doubled in the last 25 years. Meanwhile, a survey conducted in 2004 produce the fact that 71 percent of men aged 20 years and over are experiencing overweight, and another 31 percent are obese. That's why, for men who want to have an ideal body weight, it's good to start maintaining the diet and arrange them well, that starts with:

-The consumption of plant foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. To get your protein intake, it is recommended to choose foods that contain protein, like low-fat milk products and various kinds of fish.

-Restrictions on the consumption of foods that contain saturated fats. Limit the consumption of meat, cheese, milk, and high-fat processed meats generally contain saturated fat. Replace fatty foods with foods that contain monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats that can be obtained from nuts, fish, and vegetable oil.

-Subtract the drinks sweet and expand the drinking water.

To add a more healthy diet, make it a habit as well for the physically active. Can be started with a regular fast or doing jogging every day.
The Man Is Easier To Lose Weight?
True, it seems that men have to thanks to this. Because, the guy already lose weight easier than women because:

1) Biological factors.

The percentage of fat on women and men have a difference. Women have a higher percentage of fat than men. In normal circumstances, fat in women reaching 25 percent, while men are only 15 percent. As for body fat percentage difference between women and men is influenced by hormones. Estrogen hormones in women is able to cause an increase in fat deposits in the body.

2)The difference food tastes

Women and men have a difference of taste in selecting foods that are consumed. Men tend to love meat, while women tend to prefer eating food berkarbohidrat. Even so, women understand more about what should be consumed than men.

3)Closer to the food

The Affairs of the kitchen is often the responsibility of women. Starting from the thought of what the menu will be served, the shopping needs of the kitchen to prepare a meal makes women more vulnerable to the temptation of food and are interested in tasting it. Not surprisingly, women tend to be more difficult to lose weight than men.

Calculate your body mass index (BMI) is a great way to find out how ideal weight men. However, do not fast complacency if Your normal categories include BMI because you still have to get used to keeping a good diet, adjust the serving of meals, and compensate with a workout so that your ideal weight man can be maintained.


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